I lost my passion for writing about food.
If I am being honest with myself that is the short and sweet of it. I found myself in a space where I had no confidence in what I was putting out into the world. I had lost the ability to create new recipes, I had lost the ambition to write on a consistent basis, and my food podcast I started never really gained traction hurt me. All of these things, and more, led me into a deep dark mental space and I was not healthy enough to pull myself out of it.
I may write about my mental health journey at some point on here, or another platform.
The phrase “the first step is the hardest” is one that I imagine we all know fairly well, but as I have felt now, along with a couple golf podcasters, the first step is not the hardest because you have an innocence of what failure is. You don’t know what could go wrong, what failure will do your psyche, or how even when you seemingly do everything failure can still happen. So when you take that first step into a new endeavor with an innocent, and unencumbered, mind you go forth with endless dreams of all the amazing things you will achieve.
I find myself now with the scars of failure, the memories of plans gone awry, the sting from goals not achieved, and self confidence that has found itself damaged to likeness of an unfortunate victim of lingchi. Unlike the most latter of those which ends in the final succumbing of one’s self to the thousand cut, I find myself here now after much here now healed and ready move forward again, not with the unbridled innocence of a new food blogger, writer, or however you’d like to categorize me but with the understanding of what actions I must take to encourage myself to write and share my thoughts about food, even when I don’t want to do it.
So what does this mean? And why are you reading this on one of my blog posts? Firstly, I like to be as transparent as I can be and the fact that you are reading this I feel like you deserve to know. Secondly, I feel like being transparent about what I have been going through may help someone else who is going through the same mental gymnastics that I have often found myself in. And lastly, and most importantly, to allow myself the grace of acknowledging with myself that I have slacked at something that I truly enjoy and give myself the space to rejoin the food blogging world.
As far as what can be expected in the future.
I fully intend for Food is Love Made Edible to return to its roots, a space where I can share my thoughts, love, and passion for food, cooking, and the culinary world. In the same breadth, the blog will revolve around whichever topic has my heart and mind at the time. Whether that be food, golf, parenthood, etc. Food is Love Made Edible, just as Golf is Love Sport, Parenthood is Love Personified, and so on and so on.
Food is the great connector, a language that we all share. Eating is something that we do every day, so writing about food I feel is a very effective way to connect us all. Food, even more than music, is a language that speaks to us all. Whether it’s sitting down at a bar solo enjoying a glass of wine and conversation with strangers, sitting around the table with old friends passing around dishes of food while bursting in laughter, or standing around a table with family eating copious amounts of crawfish. Food is the common denominator that brings us all together.
That is why food is love made edible.
I thank you for taking the time to read this, and for those who have been around since I was posting previously I especially thank you. You don’t have to take time out of your day to come to my little blog and read this, and I greatly appreciate you doing just that. I can’t make nay promises but I am going to commit to you that I will be more diligent in posting on a consistent basis. I look forward to what Food is Love Made Edible will become, and I look forward to y’all joining me along on this continued and revitalized journey.
As always thank you for taking a few moments out of your day to read my blog.
Thank you,
I don’t know how I found your blog but I needed this today. I’ve tried and failed many times to start my food blog although I take tons of photos and video when I cook. I even started a Facebook Page and accumulated upwards of 25,000 followers.
I recently entered the Favorite Chef competition hoping that would light the fire to finally merge my love of writing with my love of food creation. And today, I wanted to bow out of the competition.
The truth is, it’s served as a distraction from my depression. My son was murdered 12/27/01 and tomorrow is the first anniversary of the sentencing of his killer.
We used to FaceTime and cook together. So sometimes cooking ends in tears. I live on the beach and used to walk every morning and FaceTime him and a close friend. They are both no longer here.
I share this not to get sympathy. It’s to let you know that I feel your pain. And to remind you that you are not a failure.
When babies learn to walk they fall several times. Each fall is met with sympathy, hugs and encouragement. No one remembers how many times the baby fell before it started walking.
You’ve got this. No matter how often you fall.